Not like other girls

Mariana Machado
4 min readAug 17, 2021

My mother. She raised me and my sister to be strong independent women and always pushed us to be the best we could be. She looked after us, giving us all the care and attention anyone could have asked for, and then some. She was (and still is) brutally honest with us and was never afraid to let us know we looked terrible in those Resina trousers; yet she never made us go change. She let us be ourselves and just encouraged us to try things outside our comfort zone without ever pushing us to be someone we’re not.
Brought up in a traditional household, she always told us we should be independent. Now, she’s raising my brother to be respectful to women, that knows the privilege he was born into and who’s becoming an amazing little man.

My sister. My reference throughout all my life, she taught me all the cool music, fashion brands and indie movies I knew growing up. She’s kind, intelligent, witty and never sees the bad in those she loves (well, mainly me and my brother). She works are b*tt off without complaining. For months she had only one day off at work and managed to keep her cool throughout all the challenges that her job brings. She’s yet another independent woman in my life that shows me that I can make it on my own. More than my sister, she’s my best friend so to her, I owe a lot.

Cátia. What can’t she do? She’s an author, creative director, bookstagrammer and the best friend anyone can ask for. She is unapologetically outspoken but when she speaks her mind she does so in the most educated, kind and eloquent manner. I’m a helpless introvert but I’ve learned so much with her and every time I’m with her I just hope some of her awesomeness rubs off on me, even if just a little.

Filipa. I wouldn’t have the job I have if it weren’t for her. She pushed me to voice myself, she gave me a tutorial on how to speak up and say no more often. She taught me to believe more in myself and my ideas. Her sense of humor will lead her directly to hell and I can’t wait to join her. She inspires me to be a badass at every thing I do because she exceeds at everything she does. I admire her confidence, her intelligence and her ability to keep everything under control, so I hope to be her when I grow up.

Mariana. We were both born in 1992 and our paths have crossed only in 2015. Yet, we have so many things in common. She’s been through some not-so-fun moments in her life but managed to pick herself up and push forward. She’s the most professionally-successful of all my friends, especially considering her age, and she’s meant for greatness. She knows she’s good in what she does and doesn’t apologise for it. I truly admire that. I thank her for seeing a potential friend in me and reaching out.

Marta. She came into my life more recently. She’s originally my boyfriend’s friend so I’m grateful we were introduced. I admire her passion for what she does and the way she lives and breathes the things she loves. Whether that’s architecture or photography, it’s almost impossible not to be inspired when she talks about the things she likes. She was kind enough to share some of her experiences with me and I’ve realised how strong she is. She knows exactly who she is. She follows her dreams. She’s well spoken, intelligent and she knows her worth.

Francisca. I’m closing this list with her. I know that she would probably not expect her name to be here because she probably feels like she hasn’t accomplished that much. She’s a little indecisive, but that’s because she always puts others first. She followed her career to Madrid and found not only that but a whole entire life. Despite being difficult for her to be far from those she loves, she’s fighting for her future. Everyone loves her and I’m yet to meet someone that doesn’t immediately like her. I admire her strength, her sympathy, and I thank her for being my partner in crime since we were born.

In a world where we often hear people saying “you’re not like other girls” as a compliment, I wish I was just a little more like these other girls accomplished that much.

Photo by Lindsey LaMont on Unsplash



Mariana Machado

I used to dream about becoming a poet and I’ve always loved writing, so I made it my job.